We finally did it, and we're happy to say we did it right.

We've been asked for years if we were going to produce cold coffee in a can, and our answer has always been "maybe". What's held us back has been our own lack of enthusiasm with the format of canned cold brew, and a feeling that we weren't sure how to do it better.

It was clear to us that the trick to doing it better was to do something different, which brings us to this announcement. Introducing Snapchilled™ Coffee, delicious cold coffee in a can that's not cold brew. Produced in partnership with Elemental Beverage Co. using their proprietary Snapchill™ process.


Snapchilled™ coffee is brewed hot to release the complex flavors and aromas that cold brew leaves behind, and chilled in seconds to lock those flavors into the beverage. It is then immediately packaged after brewing in nitrogen-flushed and pressurized cans to halt oxidation and aging, problems that plague most canned cold brews.


The result is a cold coffee that leaves nothing to the imagination, capturing and delivering all of the complexity, sweetness, and unique flavors that each of our coffees has to offer. This is cold coffee like you've never had before.

Scroll down to view current options and to find a stockist near you.

Our Snapchilled™ cans are available in three offerings:

BRIGHT features a light, bright, and refreshing profile with juicy, fruity, or floral notes.

SWEET highlights roundness, sweetness, and balance with deeper fruit and chocolate flavors.

NITRO has an extra boost of nitrogen in the can to give a frothy head when shaken and poured into a glass, along with the deepest and most robust flavor profile of the cans.

Read below for information on the current coffees featured in our Snapchilled™ cans.

Click here to purchase Snapchilled™ online.


Ethiopia Tuma Tesso #4

Origin: Ethiopia

Region: Jimma

Locality: Agaro Gera

Producer: Kata Muduga Cooperative Union

Washing Station: Tuma Tesso

Altitude: 1980 - 2000 meters

Process: Washed, dried on raised beds

Varieties: Ethiopia Landraces

Tasting notes: Lemon, floral, peach


Origin: Peru

Region: Cusco

Province: Calca

Community: Yanatile

Producers: Aranzabal Mamani Basilides, Inquillay Huarancca Sabino, Aniceto Huallpa Nieble

Altitude: 1700 - 2000 meters

Process: Washed, dried on raised beds

Variety: Typica & Bourbon

Tasting notes: Brownie batter, honey, tangerine, balanced


Origin: 50% Colombia Huila // 50% Peru Cusco

Producers: Multiple smallholders

Altitude: 1700 - 2000 meters

Process: Washed

Varieties: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Colombia, Castillo,

Tasting notes: Milk chocolate, apple, citrus, honey

Our Snapchilled™ Coffee can be purchased at our coffee bars in Northfield and Burlington, Vermont, and at select stockists. Click here to find a store near you.